
hi! im krisk (/krɪsk/), programmer.

this site is an amalgam(which is spelled with an "a" for some godforsaken reason) of some of the things i have done(the list is large because i have a very short attention span).

number boxes!

i, like the majority of people with personal websites, am a big fan of computers. i grew up on the internet and originally learned python in the fourth grade. since then, i've been gradually building my repertoire(another incredibly strange word) of languages, including(but not limited to) python, javascript, java, rust, and tibasic.

i'm not really sure how to explain what i do with computers, because the answer encompasses pretty much all of computing. programming language design? yup. websites? (obviously) yes. games? oui. functional programming? はい. minecraft modding? आम्. everything in computing makes me incredibly excited, and i can't stop myself from jumping from project to project! here's a map of some of my favourite things ive done!

This Website

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